ColWeld Software
ColWeld uses a UR10e Universal Robot and Colbotic Automation have developed a unique URCAP for welding that makes the robot simple to use and program:
ColWeld Programming
ColWeld simplifies cobot programming – you just need to just define your points and the software automatically creates offset points and starts and stops the weld. Use the ‘Freedrive’ button on the torch to move the cobot to where you want to start and end the weld and define your points. After this, select the weld parameters and weave type and then run the program. All points are editable so that the torch position can be optimised.

ColWeld Sense
ColWeld Sense solves the problem of part to part variation. Touch sensing of the part allows the part position (x, y and z directions) as well as the skewness to be determined. The weld positions are changed accordingly for accurate weld placement.
ColWeld Positioner
ColWeld Positioner comes preinstalled on our premium model, ColWeld II and operates the servo motor for the linear track and is fully integrated with the ColWeld software. It allows the positioner to be manually jogged (without running a program) for setup. During operation it automatically moves the cobot to a safe home position before moving the robot along the track and monitors force to halt movement in the event of a collision. Finally it facilitates dual workstation operation to maximise productivity.

ColWeld Parameters
ColWeld comes preprogramed with a variety of welding parameters that use EWM ForceArc technology. There is an extensive range parameters for of steel flat and vertical fillet welds, stainless and aluminium welds. The parameters can be adjusted directly from the cobot pendant interface.

ColWeld Weave
The cobot comes with the ability to weave which helps to spread the weld bead and improve weld quality. ColWeld has preprogramed weave parameters, which can be adjusted if required.
Two Workstation Manufacture
Maximize productivity with ColWeld Workstation which enables the cobot to manufacture on two workstations. Parts can be loaded and offloaded on one side while welding is occurring on the other. ColWeld Workstation lets you choose where the part is welded (left or right side) and then performs a safety check to ensure that the points are on the correct side and within the reach of the cobot. Before swapping workstations, a popup is provided to the operator warning them that welding is about to occur.
Copying Parts
The same part can be manufactured at multiple locations across the table (at either workstation). To avoid reprogramming the part, ColWeld Workstation allows the program to be copied across the worktable.

ColWeld Arc
ColWeld Arc enables circular or arc welds to be created by defining at least three points along the trajectory.
ColWeld Stitch
Rather than creating each individual stitch weld, ColWeld Stitch creates a series of welds from the start and end points, the length of the stitch weld and the gap between the welds.
Automatic Weld Numbering
The software automatically numbers the welds so that you can easily jump to the weld where you want to start. This feature sounds small, but it makes software testing and simulation much quicker and easier and weld stoppages (e.g. due to wire running out) can be handled with ease.
Locking Code
The locking code limits what an operator can do. While they need to select whether the program is in 'simulation' or 'weld' mode or the weld number to start at, they are not allowed to program weld points or change weld parameters. The locking code prevents unauthorised access to the program.
Process Monitoring
The standard ColWeld package monitors the process and pauses the operation with an alarm if a welding error occurs. More detailed process monitoring can be provided on request.